sábado, 30 de enero de 2016

Schrödinger cat-the wonderful world

Schrödinger Cat: The unusual wonders of nature

The first theme of this blog refers to a paradox. Nature is wonderful, science is wonderful because it shows us with logic and reasoning what lurks behind every living being, behind every atom behind every star, behind every ray of light or behind the sounds accompanying a melody which delights us. But sometimes, there are facts that do not pass through the filter of logic, intuition or common sense. And that is surprising despite being apparently impossible, illogical, bizarre, they are there, there. Only it needs a new way of seeing the world to understand. You just need to break new ground by the immense forest of knowledge.

The experiment Schrödinger's cat paradox of Schrödinger or a thought experiment devised in 1935 by the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger to expose one of the most counterintuitive interpretations of quantum mechanics.

Erwin Schrödinger proposed a system consisting of a closed and opaque housing having a cat inside, a bottle of poison gas and a device containing a single radioactive particle with a probability of 50% to disintegrate at any given time so that if the particle decays, the poison is released and the cat dies.

At the end of the set time, there is a 50% probability that the device has been activated and the cat is dead, and the same probability otherwise and the cat is alive. According to the principles of quantum mechanics, the correct description of the system at that time (its wave function) will result from the superposition of the "living" states and "dead" (itself described by its wave function). However, once the box is opened to check the status of the cat, he will be alive or dead.

Schrodinger wanted to explain the meaning of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics applied to everyday objects.

Schrödinger proposed the question: When a system finishes exist as a superposition of states and remains one or the other? It is the collapse of the system goes even one definitive state when there is interaction with the system or is observed from the outside. Or else, when the current quantum state ceases to be a combination of states, each of which is a classic state and begins to show a unique classic description ?.

According to Schrödinger, the Copenhagen interpretation implies that the cat "is both alive and dead" until the state is observed. But he did not want to promote the idea of ​​live-dead cat as a serious possibility, but set an example to explain the absurdity existing approach of quantum mechanics on that date.

Therefore, he wrote something that should be noted: "It is typical that the indeterminacy restricted to the atomic domain becomes a macroscopic indeterminacy case, which can be resolved by direct observation."

The most common interpretation is that of Copenhagen. Lie the box is closed, the system can simultaneously exist in a superposition of states (a linear combination) "unstable nucleus / dead cat" and "stable nucleus / living cat" and only when the box is opened, and an observation is made, collapses the wave function in one of two states. "

Niels Bohr never admitted that the observer could induce the wave function collapse why Schrödinger's cat is not a mystery to him. The cat would be alive or dead before an intelligent observer opened the box: A single measurement (with a Geiger counter) is sufficient to collapse the system before any measurement conscious observation. The issue of interpretation has many forms, so we left for later.

Perhaps the system keeps the two properties, but with the observation are only able to understand and perceive a single state. If space has several levels, you would not have human cognitive ability also several levels, but we use the most basic?

A video to understand the paradox graphically


Gato de Schrödinger

Schrödinger's cat

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