domingo, 7 de febrero de 2016

Fractals, beauty of Infinity

Fractals does the infinite within the finite?

Looking at the figure above, a fractal, we can not immediately locate something in nature, why we not have real references. The first challenge is to define the fractal, an entity created from mathematical algorithms, using computers for thousands of calculations required.

Sometimes we can find correspondence between nature and the fractal, it is sometimes impossible. What is the definition of a fractal?

We may use vague or cryptic definitions as:

• A fractal is a self-similar or self-similar figure,
• containing copies of itself,
• generated recursively,
• having a clear structure at arbitrarily small scales,
• is so irregular that it is difficult to describe in terms of language of Euclidean geometry,
• it has a dimension that is not whole and is increasing its topological dimension (topological dimension is the space required to draw the fractal)
• has a simple and recursive definition.

Gonze (2010) states that a fractal is generally "a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be subdivided into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced size copy all" (B. Mandelbrot). This property is called self-similarity. The term was coined by Benoît Mandelbrot in 1975 and derives from the Latin fractus meaning "broken" or "fractured".

To Liebovitch and Shehadeh (2005: 179-180) objects in space can have fractal properties. The time series can have fractal properties. The sets of numbers can have fractal properties. Much of the statistics with which you are familiar show the "linear" data properties. Fractals can help describe some "non-linear" data properties. Most of the data are  characterized by the mean and standard deviation, and 45.3 ± 0.3; for data that are fractal, the mean and standard deviations are meaningless. This implies a significant change in the simplest way we see and manage the data.

Gonze (2010) states that although they appear similar at all levels of magnification, is often considered that fractals are infinitely complex (in informal terms). Natural objects that seem fractals to a degree include clouds, mountains, lightning, coastlines, and snowflakes. However, not all self-similar objects are fractals - for example, the real line (a straight Euclidean line) is formally self-similar but does not have other fractal characteristics (Gonze, 2010: 8).

Huang and Cheng (s / f: 3) indicate that a fractal is a set whose Hausdorff Besicovitch dimension strictly exceeds the topological dimension (this is a very abstract definition). In general, a fractal is defined as a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be subdivided into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole. Fractals are generally self-similar and independent of scale.

Properties of objects in space

When we expand a non-fractal object, new details do not appear. But when we extend a fractal object we continue to see smaller and smaller pieces. Smaller pieces are copies of the larger pieces. They are not exact copies smaller, but are smaller very similar to the larger pieces replicas (Leibovitch, 2005: p. 183).

A fractal object has most parts are approximately the same size. A fractal object has pieces of all different sizes. The variation in the size of the pieces of fractal objects is much greater than the variation in the size of the pieces of non-fractal objects. (Leibovich, 2005: 184-185)

Self-similarity. Small parts are smaller than the larger pieces copies. Scale. The measured values ​​depend on the resolution used to make the measurement
. Statistics. The "average" size depends on the resolution used for the measurement.
A tree is fractal. Has a few large branches, some branches of medium size, and many small branches. A tree is self-similar, small branches are smaller than the largest branches copies. There is a scale length and thickness of each branch depends on what branch we measure. There is an average size of a branch: The higher the number of smaller branches that include, the lower the "medium" length and thickness (Liebovitch, 2005: 187)

The pattern ray in sky is fractal. Has a few large branches, some branches of medium size, and many small branches. The beam pattern is self-similar: Small branches are smaller than the largest branches copies. There is a scale length of each ray beam depends on what we measure. There is an average size of lightning: The higher the number of smaller beams that include, the lower the "medium" length and thickness (Leibovitch; 2005: 188)

According Gonze (2010) traditional fractal geometry is a modern invention based on a characteristic size or scale, there is no specific description of size or scale to measure. In traditional geometry, a formula such as x2 + y2 + z2 = R2 describes a sphere; fractals in a simple formula or algorithm as Zn + 1 = Zn 2 + z0 describes the Mandelbrot fractal.
A set of Julia is a kind mirror image of the Mandelbrot set. It is based on the same basic family of functions f (x) = x2 + c. But instead of varying c (as in the Mandelbrot set), it remains fixed and vary x c. The set of Julia c is the set of values ​​of x for which the iteration of  f(x) does not diverge. There are an infinite number of Julia sets - one for each possible value of c.

In the next installment we will show the properties and algorithms from  Mandelbrot sets, Julia and others in detail.

Liebovitch, Larry S.; Shehadeh Lina A. (2005) Introduction to Fractals, Chapter 5
Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences, Center for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, & Departments of Psychology and Biomedical Sciences Florida Atlantic University

Gonze Didier (2010) Fractals: theory and applications
Unité de Chronobiologie Théorique Service de Chimie Physique - CP 231 Université Libre de Bruxelles Belgium

Chen Ting (Matric No. U017596H) Huang Liming (S/F)World of fractalas

Caballero Roldan, Rafael (s/f) Caos y fractales

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