lunes, 1 de abril de 2019

Nature, source of inspiration for innovation: Chrysopidae (Chrysopidae) against aphids

Nature, source of inspiration for innovation: Chrysopidae (Chrysopidae) against aphids

The chrysopidae (Chrysopidae) are a family of insects of the order Neuróptera; They are known by several common names such as lacewings, green lacewings, lacewings with green wings, golden eyes, lion aphids, lace wings and pretty fairies, green lacewing or lacewing. There are between 1,300-2,000 species in this group.

The adults are green to pale brown, the veins of the wings contrast in their two pairs of transparent wings, and their eyes are golden or yellow coppery. The crisópidos are cosmopolitan, they live especially in areas of great vegetation and agricultural. Larvae are predators of other soft-bodied arthropods; They are also cannibals, and a few adults are predators, like Chrysopa. The majority feeds on protein secretions.

Because they are generalist predators, some chrysopids are used for pest control programs; the best-known genus is the cosmopolitan Chrysoperla and others to a lesser degree, such as the subfamily Chrysopinae.

In mass production in special modules, up to 2,000,000 eggs are obtained daily; The cost is high because you have to avoid cannibalism, using substrates, special designs and timely release. In the field, it is used in inoculation (introduction), increase (raise the local population) or flood. Adults can survive and reproduce by spraying enriched molasses for food.

Aphids, known as aphids, damage a wide variety of host plants by sucking juices from leaves and stems, causing discoloration, battered leaves, yellowing and atrophy, because these plants no longer grow. Large infestations produce a sticky, sugary residue, known as molasses. The molasses attracts ants and causes the growth of fungi on the surfaces of plants. Aphids can transmit viruses to plants, injecting them into the plant while feeding. These viruses cause mutations, yellowish color, low yields in vegetables and ornamental plants. In the average life time of a month, aphids can have 40-85 young. Some aphids or aphids have wings.

Aphids do not measure more than 4 mm, have a bulbous abdomen and many different colors. It is one of the most destructive pests of crops in temperate regions. Winged aphids are very harmful because they destroy plants much more quickly than others. The aphids are more active, between 65 ° to 80 ° F, the excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers, increases the aphid proliferation. The dense canopies of trees form the favorite habitat of aphids.

The use of the principles of Integrated Pest Management or IPM (promotion of biodiversity in trees, use of physical fighting means, application of biological products, release of auxiliaries, and minimization of the use of authorized phytosanitary products) has allowed the control of pests without negative side effects in the environment.

The biological fight is the most respectful alternative in the control of pests for its environmental advantages and respectful of sustainable development and the conservation of natural resources, by reducing the contamination of phytosanitary chemical products. It is important to create a habitat for insects that feed or are aphid predators. These insects are ladybugs, parasitic wasps and lacewings; therefore, the use of broad-spectrum insecticides should be avoided, and the availability of nectar should be facilitated throughout the season.

In the control of pests, mites, aphids, lepidopteran larvae, phytophagous hymenoptera and aphids have been successfully controlled; the aphid of the rose bush (Macrosiphum rosae), among others.

European regulations require the banning of chemical pesticides in urban environments. Since 2014, the competent authorities have been instructed to minimize or eliminate the use of phytosanitary products or other pesticides in green spaces open to the general public. Included are the spaces used by the general public, green areas with ornamental vegetation or shade, dedicated to leisure, recreation or sports (parks and gardens for public use outdoors, trees, greenhouses, spaces occupied by plants in work centers, study centers, commercial centers, libraries, cultural centers, etc., sports fields, spaces used by vulnerable groups in gardens or nurseries, nursing homes.


Áfidos - Plagas y Enfermedades


Insectos Beneficiosos: Crisopas Verdes




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